12 Rabi-ul-Awwal

12 Rabi-ul-Awwal

The long stretch of Rabi ul Awwal is the third month in the Hijri schedule after the long stretches of Muharram and Safar. This month is a month that Muslims all over the planet commend.

The period of Rabiul Awwal is special as numerous significant verifiable Islamic occasions happen in this month. One of them is the introduction of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWW), which occurred on the twelfth of Rabiul Awwal.

Coming up next is a short depiction of the twelfth of Rabiul Awwal, known as the date of birth of the Prophet Muhammad.


Each 12 Rabiul Awwal, most Muslims overall will recognize the birthday or Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Maulid itself comes from Arabic, Walada Yalidu Wiladan, and that implies birth. Prophet Muhammad is accepted to have been brought into the world in Makkah on the twelfth of Rabiul Awal in the time of the elephant from a dad named Abdullah canister Abdul Mutalib and a mother named Aminah bint Wahb.

A few Muslims generally recognize the Prophet's Birthday by commending as an outflow of bliss and regard for our dearest Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in different ways, both through duas and shalawat for Prophet Muhammad and his family and sidekicks.

Albeit the Prophet Muhammad's birthday festivity was never done during the Prophet's lifetime, the practice of observing Eid Milad-un-Nabi has existed since old times.

There are numerous adaptations of history in regards to the beginning of the festival of Mawlid Nabi. The principal rendition makes sense of that Ruler Al-Muzhaffar spearheaded this festival as a type of regard for the Prophet Muhammad.

As indicated by Ibn Kathir, Lord Ibril (presently Iraq) named Muzhaffaruddin Al-Kaukabri toward the start of the seventh century Hijriyah commended the Prophet's Birthday for a huge scope. Different researchers relate that King Muzaffar spent in excess of 300,000 dinars giving charity on the commemoration of the Prophet's Birthday and welcomed many individuals and researchers.

Around then, a few researchers legitimized and endorsed King Al-Muzhaffar's activities since they thought Mawlid Nabis was great to be celebrated utilizing good cause like that. Starting from the primary festival of Mawlid Nabi, a comparable custom has been done by certain Muslims up to this point.

While the subsequent variant contends that Saladin al-Ayyubi in 1193 Promotion, was the primary figure to spearhead Milad un-Nabi, different sources say that the festival of the Prophet's Birthday was first started by the Fatimid line as expressed by numerous history specialists.

As well as being brought into the world in the long stretch of Rabiul Awal, the Prophet Muhammad likewise kicked the bucket around the same time as his introduction to the world.

The Prophet SAW passed on Monday 12 Rabiul Awal 11 H. The demise of the Prophet SAW is an indication of the introduction of the Islamic Khilafah state, Rasyidah. Since around the same time, even before the Prophet's body was covered, Muslims had vowed loyalty to Abu Bakr Siddiq as caliph.

Researches About Date of Birth

There are a few distinctions among researchers in regards to the precision of the twelfth of Rabiul Awwal as the date of birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Sunni researchers contend that the ninth or twelfth of Rabiul Awal is the date of birth of our darling Prophet.

Simultaneously, Shia researchers say that the Prophet Muhammad was brought into the world on the seventeenth of Rabiul Awal. In any case, the most popular among researchers is that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was brought into the world on the twelfth of Rabiul Awal in the extended time of the elephant in Makkah.

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