99 Names Of Allah (Part 3)

 Allah Names (21) ٱلْبَاسِطُ AL-BAASIT



He is the person who discharges overflow, happiness, alleviation, and facilitates after troubles. These are signs of His characteristic Al-Baasit.

Advantages of Recounting

Lift the hands towards the sky (as in dua) after Salaatud Doha(Chast) and say this Name multiple times. From that point pass the hands across the face (as while completing Dua): Insha-Allah independence and autonomy will be allowed by Allah. This should be done everyday.

 Allah Names (22) ٱلْخَافِضُ AL-KHAAFIDH

(HE IS THE ABASER, THE Person WHO Lowers AND Brings down)


Allah most high is the Person who raises His animals to respect and popularity and who can project them down to the scummiest of the scummy.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who says this Name multiple times, Allah will satisfy every one of his necessities and eliminate every one of his challenges - Insha-Allah.

One who diets for 3 days and on the fourth day says this Lovely Name multiple times while sitting in isolation, will acquire triumph over his foe - assuming Allah wills.

 Allah Names 23 ٱلْرَّافِعُ AR-RAAFI



Allah most high is the Person who raises His animals to respect and notoriety and who can project them down to the scum of society.

Advantages of Recounting

Any individual who says this Ism multiple times in the fourteenth evening of each and every lunar month, Allah will concede him independence and autonomy of the whole creation - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (24) ٱلْمُعِزُّ AL-MU'IZZ

(THE honorable provider)


He is the Person who respects and the Person who embarrasses.

Advantages of Presenting

Assuming this delightful name of Allah is said multiple times after Maghrib on each Monday and Friday, Allah will give the peruser honor and respect - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (25) ٱلْمُذِلُّ AL-MUZIL

(THE Provider OF Disrespect)


He is the Person who praises and the Person who embarrasses.

Advantages of Presenting

Whoever makes dua for security in the wake of saying this Ism multiple times, Allah will shield him from the disasters of desirous people, oppressors, and adversaries - Insha-Allah.

In the event that there is a specific foe whom one feelings of dread, subsequent to saying the Name in the way referenced over, one might notice sajdah wherein one might summon Allah's assistance against ones foe by really referencing his name in sajdah hence: "O Allah! Shield me from the wrongs of Zaid or Bakar." In the event that Allah wills he will be allowed assurance.

Allah Names (26) ٱلْسَّمِيعُ AS-SAMEE

(THE ALL Conference)


He is the person who hears all - that which comes from the lips crosses the thoughts, is felt by the hearts, the stirring of leaves in the breeze, the strides of subterranean insects and molecules traveling through the void.

Advantages of Recounting

One who says this lovely Name 500 or multiple times on Thursday after offering salatud-Doha (Chast), all his duaas will be definitely conceded - Insha-Allah. Essential no talking is finished over the span of discussing it.

In the event that anybody peruses it multiple times on a Thursday between the Sunnah and Fardh of Fajr, Allah will lean toward him with His unique endowments - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (27) ٱلْبَصِيرُ AL-BASEER



He is the Person who is all powerful. He sees generally that has passed, all there is, and everything there will be from now through eternity.

Advantages of Recounting

One who says this Name multiple times after Jumu'ah petitions continually, Allah will concede solidarity to his vision and light (Noor) to his heart - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (28) ٱلْحَكَمُ AL-HAKAM

(Creator OF Unchanging Decisions)


He is the Person who orders. He is the bearer of equity and truth. He judges, and executes His equity.

Advantages of Recounting

One who says this Wonderful Name multiple times while in the state if wudu during the last part of the evening, Allah will make his heart see all mysteries and to be loaded up with Noor.

What's more, any individual who says this Ism on Friday night in such a way that he develops euphoric and overjoyed then Allah will value his heart with signs and motivations.

Allah Names (29) ٱلْعَدْلُ AL-'ADL

(THE Equitable)


He is the outright equity. Equity gets harmony, balance request, and agreement. Allah the simply is the foe of despots.

Advantages of Presenting

Any individual who writes (with saffron or by the simple activity of one's finger) this Name of Allah on 20 slices of bread (roti) on the day or evening of Jumu'ah, and consumes it, Allah will make the whole creation become docile to him - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (30) ٱلْلَّطِيفُ AL-LATEEF

(Generally Loving OR KNOWER OF Deepest Insider facts)


He is the most sensitive, fine, delicate, wonderful one, He is the person who knows the best subtleties of magnificence. The best of His marvels are concealed in the mysteries of the wonders of the spirit, shrewdness, and heavenly light.

Advantages of Recounting

Whoever peruses this Name multiple times day to day, Allah will give overflow in his rizq (food) and prompt every one of his assignments to be achieved without troubles.

Anybody associated with neediness, hopelessness, disorder, dejection or any misfortune whatsoever ought to make wudhu in the legitimate way and proposition 2 rakaat salaah and afterward remembering the goal (like redemption from difficulty) say this Ism multiple times: Allah will definitely concede him liberation - Insha-Allah.

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