Sabr - More Than Persistence

Sabr-More Than Persistence

For some Muslims, the term sabr has become inseparable from "persistence." In any case, the magnificence of the Arabic language is that numerous Arabic words, for example, sabr, ihsan, taqwa, and then some, have such a huge degree that there is no single word in the English language that compares to them. Zeroing in on the idea of sabr, the term has a lot more extensive significance than persistence.

As Muslims we comprehend the significance of showing the property of sabr in our lives. Alongside being a piece of one of Allah's 99 names (Aṣ-Sabūr), Allah has instructed the devotees to epitomize this trademark. This is displayed in the accompanying refrain from the Qur'an:

"O you who accept! Look for assist with patient persistence (sabr) and petition, for God is with the people who quietly endure." (2:153)

Tolerance IN Submitting to ALLAH (SWT) (SABR 'ALA AL-TA'A )

This type of sabr implies following what Allah has directed, in any event, when it isn't helpful or simple. For instance, in refrain 134 of Surah Al-Imran, Allah orders us to limit our outrage. Outrage is a characteristic human inclination, and we will all experience times when we will be enticed to fail to keep a grip on our feelings. In any case, however not a solitary one of us will be great, the endeavors that we put toward controlling our displeasure when we are enticed to erupt is a demonstration of sabr.

Persistence IN Keeping away from THE Illegal (SABR 'AN AL-MA'SIYYAH )

There is a wealth of things in our cutting edge society which are acknowledged by the majority however conflict with what Allah has directed us or Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) prompted us

Tolerance Even with Difficulty (SABR 'ALA AL-IBTILA ).

All of us will go through times when we are confronted with difficulty. Misfortune might come in various structures. It very well might be a monetary, wellbeing, family, or individual test

Genuine confidence is displayed in difficult stretches. Accordingly, when we are confronted with difficulty, we want to dig further into our relationship with Allah since He is the person who can really change what is happening.

Not grumbling: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "The genuine tolerance is at the principal stroke of a catastrophe."

Regardless of what Prophet Muhamad (PBUH) went through while in Mecca during those thirteen years, he never yielded in his request to Allah, and his outside circumstance never impacted his demeanor toward Allah. In any event, when he lost his darling spouse Khadijah (RA) and dearest uncle Abu Talib during the Extended period of Distress, he actually kept on turning around to Allah. We can't necessarily pick what is going on, yet we can pick our demeanor and how we respond to a circumstance.


There are many prizes referenced for the people who show sabr in their lives. For keeping things brief, we should specify one prize the Qur'an tells us:

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