99 Names Of Allah (Part 9)

 Allah Names (81) ٱلْمُنْتَقِمُ AL-MUNTAQIM

(ONE WHO Gets Revenge)


Allah is the extraordinary vindicator. Allah rebuffs the people who continue revolting, raving in their obviousness and pretention, making disharmony, tyrannizing Allah's workers and His creation.

Advantages of Discussing

Any individual who is legitimate and wants to get payback against his foe, yet hasn't the ability to do so ought to peruse this Ism constantly for 3 Fridays. Allah Himself will get back at his sake - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (82) ٱلْعَفُوُّ AL-'AFUWW

(ONE WHO Exculpations)


Allah is the forgiver, the eliminator of sins. He doesn't frequently rebuff the ones who deny, the ones who revolt. He acknowledges their acknowledgment of their transgressions as apology. He eradicates their wrongdoings.

Advantages of Discussing

Allah will excuse the person who discusses this Ism bounteously - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (83) ٱلْرَّؤُفُ AR-RA'OOF

(THE Sort)


Allah is all forgiving. Regardless of His capacity to see our transgressions, of His being simply, of His having the option to rebuff, the way that He decides to excuse demonstrates His limitless leniency and pardon.

Advantages of Discussing

One who wants that the whole creation becomes friendly towards him as well as the other way around ought to recount this Ism over and over. Any individual who wants that his annoyance be repressed ought to recount first salawaat (for example Durood) multiple times, then this name of Allah multiple times. On the other hand, in the event that somebody presents it as displayed above, and blows on a furious man, his displeasure will before long be repressed - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (84) مَالِكُ ٱلْمُلْكُ MAALIK-UL-MULK

(Owner OF Power)


Allah is the timeless proprietor of His realm. He shares neither the possession nor the power, government, or guardianship of the universe with anybody.

Advantages of Discussing

The consistent peruser of this Ism will be conceded riches, independence, and freedom - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (85) ذُو ٱلْجَلَالِ وَٱلْإِكْرَامُ DHUL-JALAALI WAL-IKRAAM

(Great AND Altruistic)


Allah is the Ruler of Greatness and abundance. There is no flawlessness that doesn't have a place with Him nor any gift or honor that comes from other than Him. Allah is the proprietor of all greatness.

Advantages of Presenting

The consistent reciter of this Ism will be conceded honor, poise, and independence - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (86) ٱلْمُقْسِطُ AL-MUQSIT

(THE Fair)


Allah is the person who acts and disseminates in equity and decency. How amicable and adjusted is the creation: every one of the marvels in paradise and earth-mountains, oceans, nightfalls, blossoms - and furthermore the eyes to see.

Advantages of Presenting

One who presents this Ism everyday with consistency, Allah will shield him from malicious questions made by the Shaytaan. On the off chance that it is perused multiple times for a specific reason, it will be obtained - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (87) ٱلْجَامِعُ AL-JAAMI'

(THE Constructing agent)


Allah is the finder of anything that He wishes, any place He wishes. Allah has assembled inside this universe spaces, systems stars, earth, oceans, plants, and creatures, things whose nature, size, shape, and variety are unique.

Advantages of Presenting

Assuming anybody's family or family members are dissipated (because of war, seismic tremor, floods and so forth) he ought to shower at the hour of Dhoha (Chast) and lifting the look towards the sky say this Ism multiple times. Yet, this ought to be counted with the fingers so that with each perusing, one finger ought to be shut until every one of the ten fingers are shut. From there on the hands ought to be passed across the face (as while finishing dua). Thusly the scattered individuals from his family will before long meet up - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (88) ٱلْغَنيُّ AL-GHANIYY

(Liberated from NEED)


Allah is the rich one who is independent. His substance and properties have no relationship to whatever else. Somebody whose presence and flawlessness rely upon one more requirements to acquire that presence. Just Allah needs not, neither does He want to acquire.

Advantages of Presenting

Assuming anybody recounts this Ism multiple times everyday, Allah will concede him Barakah in abundance and independence - Insha Allah. Anybody engaged with any physical or otherworldly affliction or another trouble ought to say this name a lot and blow on the whole body - to be before long feeling better of the trouble - Insha Allah.

 Allah Names (89) ٱلْمُغْنِيُّ AL-MUGHNI

(Provider OF NEEDS TO Other people)


Allah is the enricher. He delivers whomever He wishes rich and whomever He wishes poor.

Advantages of Presenting

Any individual who peruses the Salawaat (Durood) multiple times when saying this Ism multiple times, he will be conceded the two materials as well as profound riches - Insha-Allah. This ought to be finished after Fajr or Esha salaah. Be that as it may, Surah Muzammil ought to likewise be discussed with it.

 Allah Names (90) ٱلْمَانِعُ AL-MANI'



Allah is the person who turns away mischief from His creation.

Advantages of Presenting

Assuming one has any question with one's mate one ought to discuss this Ism multiple times while resting on the bed: Insha-Allah, the debate will be settled and, all things being equal, love and fondness will result. The steady reciter of this Ism will be protected against all catastrophes - Insha-Allah.

Whenever presented for any authentic reason, it will emerge - Insha-Allah

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