99 Name of Allah (Part 4)

 Allah Names (31) ٱلْخَبِيرُ AL-KHABEER



He is the person who knows about the secret internal events in all things. He is the one whose comprehension arrives at the most unfathomable, stowed away corners of His realm, where neither human insight nor His holy messengers can enter.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who peruses this Name constantly for seven days will start to see stowed away insider facts.

Any individual who wants delights ought to peruse this Ism continually. Insha-Allah he will before long be liberated from such base cravings.

Allah Names (32) ٱلْحَلِيمُ AL-HALEEM

(THE Forebearing)


He is avoiding in the discipline of the blameworthy. He pauses, giving chance to the delinquent to understand his responsibility and request absolution all together that He might excuse him as opposed to rebuff him.

Advantages of Recounting

On the off chance that this Ism is gotten written down, absorbed water, and a similar water sprinkled on anything or scoured onto something, then, at that point, the nature of 'barakah' will be conferred to something like this and it will be shielded against all catastrophes.

Allah Names (33) ٱلْعَظِيمُ AL-'ATHEEM

(THE Merciful)


He is the best on the earth underneath and in the sky above, in domains where our sight can't reach and of which our brains can't imagine. He is the outright and wonderful significance.

Advantages of Discussing

The reciter of this delightful Name of Allah will be graced with significant privilege and nobility - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (34) ٱلْغَفُورُ AL-GHAFOOR



He is the most sympathetic one. He cloak our deficiencies from the eyes of different men, from the holy messengers, and frees us from the experiencing persistent recognition of our flaws.

Advantages of Presenting

One who rehashes this Name oftentimes the entirety of his diseases, distress and pain will be eliminated - Insha-Allah. In addition, Allah will give barakah in his abundance and posterity. It is connected in a hadith that any individual who says threefold يَا رَبِّ اغفر لي while in sajdah, Allah will excuse all his previous sins and any transgressions that he might commit from now on.

 Allah Names (35) ٱلْشَّكُورُ Debris SHAKOOR

(Exceptionally Thankful)


He is the person who reimburses a decent deed with a lot more noteworthy prize. Appreciation is to return great with great.

Advantages of Discussing

Peruse this Name multiple times everyday for any challenges - monetary, actual otherworldly, mental and so on. Insha-Allah, redemption will be conceded soon.

 Allah Names (36) ٱلْعَلِيُّ AL-'ALEE

(Exceptionally Thankful)


He is the most noteworthy One. He is higher than the entire of the made universe. His proximity and farness and His being high can't be estimated by the constraints of human acumen.

Advantages of Discussing

Any individual who peruses this name everyday and continually, and keeps with him a composed duplicate of it, will be magnified, in truth opulence, and every one of his cravings will be satisfied - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (37) ٱلْكَبِيرُ AL-KABEER

(Generally Extraordinary OR Endless)


He is the best, whose significance extends from before the start until after the end. There is no distinction for Him between the making of a molecule and the boundless appearing universe. This is His greatness however much we can figure out it. He is more noteworthy than that.

Advantages of Presenting

Assuming anybody who is excused from his post, diets for seven days and every day rehashes this Ism multiple times, he will be reestablished to his post and in addition graced with honor and nobility - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (38) ٱلْحَفِيظُ AL-HAFEEDH

(THE Defender)


He is the person who recalls generally that was and all that is, keeping in His heavenly security all that will be there in a jiffy.

Advantages of Recounting

The person who recounts this Name of Allah continually and keeps with him a composed duplicate of this Ism will be shielded from all dangers, misfortunes, and unsafe things - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (39) ٱلْمُقِيتُ AL-MUQEET



He is the nourisher of all creation. Allah makes the sustenance of His animals before He makes them. Nobody can remove the sustenance bound for every component of creation.

Advantages of Discussing

Anybody who blows in a bowl of water in the wake of rehashing this Ism multiple times, and afterward hydrates from it himself or permits another person to drink from it or to take a full breath from such a bowl then the entirety of their cravings will before long be satisfied - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (40) ٱلْحَسِيبُ AL-HASEEB



He is the person who assesses all and all that His creation does or is exposed to.

Advantages of Presenting

At the point when in anxiety toward any person or anything, rehash حَسْبِيَ اَلله اَلْحَسِيْبُ multiple times in the first part of the day and multiple times around evening time for eight days beginning from Thursday. Insha-Allah insurance will be conceded against the evil of such someone or something.

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