99 Names Of Allah (Part 8 )

 Allah Names (71) ٱلْÙ…ُÙ‚َدِّÙ…ُ AL-MUQADDIM

(ONE WHO CAUSES Progression)


Allah presents whomever He wills. Allah progresses the picked among His creation, bringing some above and in front of others.

Advantages of Discussing

Any individual who says this Ism richly at the hour of war, a clash of Jihaad, Allah will give mental fortitude (to make advances) and he will be shielded from the foe - Insha-Allah.

What's more, one who says this Ism consistently will become respectful and compliant to Allah - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (72) ٱلْÙ…ُؤَØ®ِّرُ AL-MU'AKHKHIR

(ONE WHO CAUSES Impediment)


Allah is He who leaves whomever He wills behind and postpones progression.

Advantages of Recounting

The successive reciter of this Ism will before long retreat to certifiable apology. One who discusses it multiple times everyday with steadiness, will before long turn out to be cherished and number one to Allah - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (73) ٱلأَÙˆَّÙ„ُ AL-AWWAL



Allah is the first. There is none similar to Him. His firstness really intends that there is none before Him, that He is self-existent, that all comes from Him and that He is the reason for all that became.

Advantages of Presenting

Anybody covetous of male youngsters ought to say this Ism multiple times everyday for 40 days. His need will before long be satisfied - Insha-Allah. What's more, if any traveler (Musafir) says it multiple times on a Friday, he will before long re-visitation of his kin no problem at all - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (74) ٱلْآخِرُ AL-AAKHIR



Allah is the last. As He has no start, He has no closure. He is everlasting. He is the rearward as in the circle of presence starts and finishes with Him.

Advantages of Presenting

That's what anybody wishing (I) the affection for Allah turns out to be solidly settled in his heart; (ii) the adoration for any person or thing other than Allah be driven out of his heart; (iii) pay ought to be made for every one of his transgressions; (iv) he kicks the bucket in the territory of Iman, then, at that point, he ought to say this Ism multiple times day to day.

Allah Names (75) ٱلْظَّاهِرُ AZ-DHAAHIR

(THE Self-evident)


Allah is the manifest one. Allah most high is stowed away from the people who try to see through their faculties, however He is clear to the individuals who look to know Him by the insight and reason that Allah has gave to them.

Advantages of Presenting

The person who rehashes this Ism multiple times everyday after Ishraaq, Allah will make his sight and heart be loaded up with Light and Noor.

 Allah Names 76 ٱلْبَاطِÙ† AL-BAATIN

(THE Inactive)


Allah is the secret one. His reality is both manifest and stowed away. To genuinely realize the maker is absurd in light of the fact that the information, the brain the comprehension of the made one is restricted.

Advantages of Discussing

Any individual who says this Ism multiple times day to day, will before long start to see the more profound insider facts of Allah. Besides, a solid power of profound devotion and fondness will result among him and Allah - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (77) ٱلْÙˆَالِÙŠ AL-WAALI



Allah is the sole administrator and legislative head of the entire creation.

Advantages of Discussing

Any individual who discusses this Ism over and again will be shielded from all startling catastrophes. In the event that it is recorded in another earthen tumbler or container, and a similar tumbler loaded up with water, and the water is then sprinkled in the house then such a house will be shielded against all disasters - Insha-Allah. On the off chance that one wishes to quell another, one ought to say it multiple times.

Allah Names (78) ٱلْÙ…ُتَعَالِÙŠ AL-MUTA'ALI

(FAR Over THE Qualities OF THE Whole CREATION)


Allah is the Preeminent One. His significance develops. As He gives from His endless fortunes, His wealth increment. As the requirements of His creation increment, His bounties increment.

Advantages of Presenting

The reciter of this name will before long find every one of his concerns tackled. The one who discusses it much during her periods will before long track down help from all illnesses Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (79) ٱلْبَرُّ AL-BARR

(THE Upside)


Allah is the ideal doe of good. Great overall and abundance come from Him. He cherishes for His workers just great, solace, and straightforwardness.

Advantages of Discussing

Anybody prone to take intoxicants, committing infidelity, or enjoying some other disasters ought to recount this Ism multiple times everyday. He will before long get direction - Insha-Allah. Unnecessary recitation is extremely powerful in ousting from the heart the affection for this world.

Anybody who peruses it multiple times and blows on their youngster not long after birth, Allah will concede the kid security from disasters until pubescence.

Allah Names (80) ٱلْتَّÙˆَّابُ AT-TAWWAB



Allah is He who continually goes man to atonement.

Advantages of Discussing

Any individual who is burning that Allah guides him to look for genuine contrition ought to peruse this lovely Name multiple times day to day after Salaatud-Doha (Chast).

Any individual who wants that every one of his assignments be achieved with no trouble ought to peruse this Ism richly. On the off chance that this name is said multiple times within the sight of a despot, the peruser will before long be liberated from his mistreatment - Insha-Allah.

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