99 Names of Allah (Part 5 )

 Allah Names (41) ٱلْجَÙ„ِيلُ AL-JALEEL

(Brilliant OR ONE WITH A Lifted up POSITION)


He is the ruler of magnificence and may. His strength and His significance, His forever looks similar to any energy, matter, or time.

Advantages of Discussing

Any individual who keeps with him anything (paper, fabric, and so forth) on which this Ism ÙŠَا جَÙ„ِÙŠْÙ„ُ is engraved with saffron or musk Allah will offer him honor, significance, rank, and nobility - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (42) ٱلْÙƒَرِيمُ AL-KAREEM



He is the liberal One. His most prominent liberality is His Benevolence, through which He excuses when He could rebuff.

Advantages of Discussing

Anybody wishing to be adored and regarded by the Ulama and Devout individuals ought to keep saying this Name until they nod off.

Allah Names (43) ٱلْرَّÙ‚ِيبُ AR-RAQEEB

(THE Overseer)


He is the Person who watches everything, consistently. This examination of everything about the presence of all creation is to a limited extent defensive.

Advantages of Discussing

Anybody who wants that his family and abundance be safeguarded from annihilation and disasters ought to rehash this Ism every day multiple times and blow on them. He ought to likewise keep perusing this Ism consistently in order to remain shielded consistently.

Allah Names (44) ٱلْÙ…ُجِيبُ AL-MUJEEB



He is the person who answers every one of the requirements of His workers. Allah is nearer to His animals than they are to themselves. He isn't any more like a holy person than He is to you or a mustard seed.

Advantages of Discussing

The steady reciter of this Ism will before long see that all his duaas are being conceded.

 Allah Names (45) ٱلْÙˆَاسِعُ AL-WAASI'

(THE Tolerant)


He is the boundless endlessness, whose information, leniency, power, liberality, and any remaining wonderful characteristics are limitless.

Advantages of Presenting

Anybody wanting otherworldly and material independence and autonomy ought to rehash this Ism again and again.

 Allah Names (46) ٱلْØ­َÙƒِيمُ AL-HAKEEM

(THE Astute)


He is the completely shrewd, in His insight and in His deeds. There is no question or vulnerability in His insight, nor does it have an end.

Advantages of Recounting

Any individual who rehashes this Ism continually, Allah will open him the entryways of information and shrewdness. Anybody whose specific errand doesn't appear to be achieved ought to rehash this Ism often and continually. Before long will this undertaking be achieved Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (47) ٱلْÙˆَدُودُ AL-WADOOD

(Generally Cherishing)


He is the person who cherishes His great workers. He is the one in particular who truly deserve love.

Advantages of Discussing

Any individual who rehashes this Ism multiple times and blows on food, and such food is eaten by him and his significant other together, their distinction and question will before long be settled and a solid power of profound devotion and fondness will result between the companions - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (48) ٱلْÙ…َجِيدُ AL-MAJEED

(Generally Respected)


Allah most high is brilliant and glorious in the entire of His creation and then some. No hand contacts Him, no power can contact Him, yet He is nearer to His workers than their own spirits. His state is unadulterated flawlessness. His demonstrations are unadulterated insight.

Advantages of Recounting

Any individual who has gotten a lethal sickness like pox, uncleanliness, and so on should quick on the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth of the lunar month and in the wake of breaking quick recurrent this Ism plentifully and blow in water and hydrate. He will before long be relieved - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (49) ٱلْبَاعِØ«ُ AL-BA'ITH



He is the raiser from the dead. Allah will give life back to all creation upon the arrival of judgment.

Advantages of Presenting

Any individual who, at sleep time, puts his hand on his chest and says this name multiple times, his heart will become bursting at the seams with information and insight - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (50) ٱلْØ´َّÙ‡ِيدُ Debris SHAHEED



He is the person who observes all that happens wherever consistently.

Advantages of Discussing

Anybody wishing that his insubordinate spouse or kids become respectful, ought to, while putting his hand on their temples, rehash this Ism multiple times and blow on them. Before long they will become dutiful - Insha-Allah.

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