99 Names Of Allah ( Part 7 )

 Allah Names (61) ٱلْÙ…ُÙ…ِيتُ AL-MUMEET

(THE Provider OF DEATH)


Allah is the maker of death. All who are alive will surely bite the dust. Man is made of a mix of the tissue and the spirit. The body is transient, the spirit is timeless.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who has zero command over his Nafs ought to put his hand on his chest and keep saying this Ism before he nods off. On the off chance that Allah wills, he will be given the solidarity to control his self.

Allah Names (62) ٱلْØ­َÙ‰ُّ AL-HAYY

(THE Never-ending)


Allah is the entirely alive and steadily living one. Allah is insightful of all, and all activities are His. All that is known and will be known is inside His insight. All presence is constantly appreciated in His activity.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody craving sound wellbeing ought to say this Ism multiple times day to day.

On the off chance that a debilitated individual composes this Ism in a bowl with a musk and rose water and afterward washes such engraving with water and hydrates, he will before long be restored from his sickness - Insha-Allah. On the other hand, in the event that such water is given to an evil, individual, he will be relieved - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (63) ٱلْÙ‚َÙŠُّومُ AL-QAYYOOM



Allah is the consistently self-existing one upon whom the presence of all depends. His reality relies on, as a matter of fact, Himself.

Advantages of Presenting

Any individual who says this Ism constantly will accomplish honor and poise among individuals - Insha-Allah.

Anybody saying it continually in detachment will become well-off and rich - Insha-Allah.

Anybody who keeps on saying ÙŠَا Ø­َÙ‰ُّ ÙŠَا Ù‚َÙŠُّومُ from after Fajr until after dawn, his torpidity and apathy will disappear - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (64) ٱلْÙˆَاجِدُ AL-WAAJID

(THE ALL Ideal)


Allah finds and acquires anything that He wishes at whatever point He wishes. Utilizing "FIND" since everything is in His attendance consistently is even unnecessary."

Advantages of Recounting

Any individual who keeps on saying this name while having feasts, the food is eaten will turn into a wellspring of solidarity, brightening, and Noor for his heart - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (65) ٱلْÙ…َاجِدُ AL-MAAJID



Allah is the most radiant, who shows endless liberality and benevolence to those near Him.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who says this Name of Allah in disengagement so much and in such a way that he becomes euphoric, then the Light and noor of Allah will before long become clear in his heart - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (66) ٱلْÙˆَاحِدُ AL-WAAHID



Allah is one. He has no equivalent, none like Him nor any accomplice in His substance, in His credits, in His activities, in His orders, or in His lovely Names.

Advantages of Presenting

The people who continually alone present Ya Wahidu in a calm spot will become safe to dread and fancy.

Allah Names (67) ٱلْØ£َØ­َد AL-AHAD

(THE ONE Unparalleled)


He is the solidarity wherein all names, ascribes, and their relations to all are joined together.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who wants that the apprehension and love for the creation be driven out of his heart ought to present this Ism multiple times everyday.

Anybody wanting great and devout kids ought to engrave this Ism (on paper, material and so forth) and keep it with him constantly.

Allah Names (68) ٱلْصَّÙ…َدُ AS-SAMAD

(Liberated from Need)


Allah is the satisfier, everything being equal, and everything is needing Him. He is the sole plan of action; the main spot of help where one might go to free oneself of all difficulty and to get all that one necessities through the favors of this name.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who puts his head in Sajdah at the hour of Sehri and rehashes this Ism multiple times or multiple times will be conceded otherworldly and actual honesty - Insha-Allah.

Anybody saying this Ism continually while in the province of Wudu will before long become autonomous of the whole manifestations - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (69) ٱلْÙ‚َادِرُ AL-QADIR

(THE Almighty)


Allah is the almighty who does what He wills the manner in which He wills. He made the universe without help from anyone else, from nothing, with neither materials nor model. He said "be" and it became.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who, subsequent to offering 2 rakaat salaah, says this Ism multiple times, Allah will humble and shame his adversaries (if he is legitimate).

What's more, on the off chance that it is said multiple times prior to undertaking a troublesome errand, the trouble will be taken out - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names 70 ٱلْÙ…ُÙ‚ْتَدِرُ AL-MUQTADIR



Allah is the person who makes all power and has all out control of generally power. Allah presents capacity to things on the planet and in paradise and utilizations them as per His all-unavoidable insight and will.

Advantages of Presenting

Any individual who keeps on discussing this Name after arousing, or says it multiple times, Allah will have every one of his undertakings satisfied productively - Insha-Allah.

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