99 Names of Allah (Part 2)

Allah Names (8) ٱلْعَزِيزُ AL-AZEEZ

(THE Powerful)


He is the successful One whom no power can overpower. There is no strength in this universe that can remain before His will.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who says this Ism multiple times every day for 40 days, Allah will give him honor and independence. Assuming read multiple times day to day with steadiness, the peruser will become independent and will achieve honor on the off chance that he is treated with shame. 

Allah Names (9) ٱلْجَبَّارُ AL-JABBAR

(THE Overwhelming Master)


He is the repairer of the messed up, the completer of the without, the person who can implement His will with practically no resistance.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who says this Ism multiple times every morning and each night will be shielded against the mistreatment of dictators and tyrants. In the event that anybody imprints it on a silver ring and wears it, his stunningness and grandness will become characteristic in the hearts of individuals - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (10) ٱلْمُتَكَبِّرُ AL-MUTAKABBIR

(THE SELF Radiant)


He is the best, who shows His significance in all things, on all events.

Advantages of Presenting

The consistent reciter of this Lovely Name will be conceded honor and significance. Assuming that read persistently before any undertaking, it will be achieved - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (11) ٱلْخَالِقُ AL-KHAALIQ

(THE Maker)


He is the person who makes from nothing, making simultaneously the states, conditions, and food of all that He has made. He lays out how, when, and where creation will occur.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who discusses this Name of Allah multiple times for 7 days, will be protected against all adverstities - Insha-Allah. Furthermore, one who shapes the propensity for its nonstop presentation, Allah will delegate a heavenly messenger who will adore Allah consistently for his benefit.

Allah Names (12) ٱلْبَارِئُ AL-BAARI



He is the person who arranges His creation with wonderful agreement - every thing inside itself as well as everything as per all the other things.

Advantages of Recounting

In the event that a fruitless lady diets for 7 days and every day, in the wake of making iftar with water peruses اَلْبَارِئُ اَلْمُصَوِّرُ multiple times, Allah will give her male youngsters - Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (13) ٱلْمُصَوِّرُ AL-MUSAWWIR



He is the person who, without utilizing any model, shapes everything in the absolute best shape.

Advantages of Recounting

In the event that a fruitless lady diets for 7 days and every day, subsequent to making iftar with water peruses اَلْبَارِئُ اَلْمُصَوِّرُ multiple times, Allah will give her male kids - Insha-Allah.

Allah Names (14) ٱلْغَفَّارُ AL-GHAFFAR

(Extremely Lenient)


He is the Person who acknowledges atonement and pardons.

Advantages of Presenting

Any individual who presents this Ism multiple times after Jumu'ah salaah will before long start to see Allah's pardoning. Furthermore, anybody who says يَاغَفََّارُ اِغْفِرْلِى everyday after Asr salaah, Allah will incorporate him among those whom He has excused.

 Allah Names (15) ٱلْقَهَّارُ AL-QAHHAR



He is the steadily ruling One, who has encircled all His creation from without and inside with His compelling power. Nothing can get away from Him.

Advantages of Presenting

One who is completely disposed towards this world ought to say this Ism persistently: on the off chance that Allah wills, he will be liberated from the affection for this world and, all things considered, Allah's adoration will become characteristic in his heart.

Allah Names (16) ٱلْوَهَّابُ AL-WAHHAAB



In the event that a destitution stricken individual presents this name of Allah constantly or composes it and keeps it on him (as Tweeze) or discusses this name of Allah multiple times in the last sajdah of Salaat-ud-Doha (Chast supplication), Allah will liberate him from neediness in a surprising and astounding way. Insha-Allah.

Advantages of Recounting

For a specific should be satisfied, notice sajdah multiple times in the yard of the house or Masjid (Mosque) and afterward lift your hands (as in Du'a) and recount this name of Allah multiple times, Allah will satisfy your need. Insha-Allah.

 Allah Names (17) ٱلْرَّزَّاقُ AR-RAZZAAQ



He is the Sustainer. Food is expected to keep up with the creation (both physical and otherworldly food).

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who blows in every one of the four corners of his home subsequent to saying this Name multiple times in each corner before Fajr, Allah will open for him the entryways of rizq (food); affliction and neediness won't ever enter his home. (Note: start from the right-hand corner while confronting Qiblah)

 Allah Names (18) ٱلْفَتَّاحُ AL-FATTAAH

(REMOVER OF Hardships and Provider OF Choices)


He is the Opener and the Solver, the Easer of all that is locked, tied, and solidified.

Advantages of Recounting

Anybody who puts two hands on his chest after Fajr salaah and says this name multiple times, Insha-Allah his heart will be enlightened with the "Noor" of Imaan.

 Allah Names (19) ٱلْعَلِيمُ AL-'ALEEM

(THE Omniscient)


He is the Person who knows all. He realizes what has occurred, what's going on, and what will occur from the very outset as far as possible.

Advantages of Presenting

Any individual who recounts this name a lot, Allah will open the doors of information and insight for them. In addition, their heart will be loaded up with the Ma'rifah (perception) of Allah.

 Allah Names (20) ٱلْقَابِضُ AL-QAABID



He is the Person who tightens. All presence is in the force of Allah. The-existence on this planet is a test for us, however Allah doesn't test his workers over their capacity.

Advantages of Recounting

Whoever composes (with saffron or by simple activity of one's finger) this Ism of Allah on four pieces of bread (roti) every day for 4 days and eats them, will be defended against hunger, thirst, wounds, torment, and so on - Insha-Allah.

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