The love of the messenger of the giants.

 The love of the messenger of the giants.

With the wealth of love and kindness of his last Prophet Muhammad,may God bless him and grant him peace, Allah has given a share to humans, plants, animals, and even the jinns. Believing in the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and being busy in the service of spreading Islam, as in the verses 29 to 32 of Surah Al-Ahqaf of the 26th paragraph and the first and second verses of Surah Jinn, as well as in his commentary, there is this article: I attended and listened attentively to the recitation of the Holy Quran, accepted Islam and then went back to my people to listen to the recitation of the Quran and mention my faith and invited them to accept Islam as well.

1) Apart from the acceptance of Islam, there are also incidents of the jinn that show their love and devotion to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. Let them decide.

2) It so happened that when they came, they begged for food for the return journey, and their pleas were answered.It also happened that the great grandson of Iblis, who had repented at the hands of Prophet Noah (PBUH) and hadthe company of many prophets, peace be upon him, came to Hama and after presenting the greetings of Jesus (PBUH) in the Prophet's court, he asked to learn the Qur'an. So after teaching him a few surahs, he (PBUH) urged him to keep coming for his meetings in the future.

(1) Jannat's way of birth of the Prophet: 

Hazrat Abd al-Rahman bin Awf (RA) narrated that when the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born, the Jinn climbed the mountains of Abu Qubais and Hajun and called out to him. Hajoun Pahar, who as Amina Zahriyya got, nor has any woman known a child with such glory and proud qualities that was born to Amina." This Hazrat Ahmad (PBUH)is the best of all tribes, both hismother and his sons are worthy of respect and due respect.And those who were present on the mountain of Abu Qubais called out like this: O inhabitants of Batha (ie Makkah Makkah)! Don't make a mistake in accepting the truth and clarify the fact with a clear mind that the tribe of Banuzahra who were from your own generation from time immemorial and are still in front of you, from all the past and present people of this generation or from outsiders. But show me one woman who has a pure life like the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

(2) Jinn, the bearer of the knowledge of the truthfulness of Prophethood of Mustafa:

Upon the announcement of the invitation to Islam by the Holy Prophet, may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, the leaders of the infidels went wild and planned to make him famous as a magician and a liar. He asked for three days' respite to express his opinion and went home. There were two idols of gold and silver in his house, which he had dressed in jewels and precious clothes and kept sitting on the chairs. He worshiped them for three consecutive days. Then he said to his idol in a very angry voice: For the sake of my selfless worship, tell me whether Muhammad is true or not. At the same time, a demonic jinn entered an idol, the idol moved and said:Muhammad is not a prophet, never confirm him. Waleed was happy and he called the other disbelievers and told them the nonsense of the idol, then these unfortunates organized a big gathering and called the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and dressed his idol in different colors. Allah and peace be upon him came with Hazrat Ibn Masoud (RA) and the infidels prostrated themselves to the idol, then Waleed said to the idol, 'My God! So express your thoughts about Muhammad! The idol said bad things about you, peace and blessings of God be upon him, he got up from there and went, on the way he met a riderdressed in green clothes, he had a bare sword in his hand with blood dripping from it.The rider got down from the horse and saluted very politely and said: My name is Mahin bin Abhar, my home is the mountain. I accepted Islam during the time of HazratNoah (peace be upon him). On arrival, the wife said while crying that the jinn named "Musfar" has insulted you, I went in pursuit of him at that time, I found him between Safa and Marwah, I beheaded him there. His head remains and he himself lies there dead in the form of a dog. 

Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is true, his words and religion are true, he invites you to adopt 

the religion of truth instead of falsehood, while you and your idols are false and false, you are misguided and mislead others. If you do not believe in Muhammad Arabi and confirm him, Hellfire will be your eternal abode on the Day of Judgment. On hearing these words, on the one hand, the disbelievers became furious, but Abu Jahl picked him up and smashed him on the ground and then burnt him, while on the other hand, the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, was very happy and he named him AbudulAllah. gave

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