Disadvantages of excessive use of modern technology

Disadvantages of excessive use of modern technology

Question: With the passage of time, where the education system has developed, technology has also made its place in our society. The young generation, especially the students, seem to be more victims of this injury. Please show me how to limit its use.

Answer: The use of modern technology is both good and bad, but in our society, its good use is decreasing and its bad use is increasing. Now the civilized channel is using it well and the sinful channels are using it badly. In the same way, some people are making good use of it and some are earning sins through it. We cannot get rid of the internet and social media from the people, but we can definitely encourage them to use it in a way that is beneficial for the hereafter, for example Madani Chainal or Dawat-e-Islami Majlis social media which come from Madani Glaste.You see them and share them further. In the same way, Madani channels also keep seeing that this is also a technology which is called electronic media. It is a different matter that after the advent of net and social media, the trend of people towards channels has decreased. In social media, many sectors have been formed and more new sectors are being formed. new thing is enjoyable".

Faced with shortage of experts due to social media

Please, otherwise, as everyone is busy in the internet and social media, the Ummah may face a shortage of experts in every field. Good doctors, scientists, researchers, thinkers, intellectuals, good scholars and muftis may disappear in the future because the great minds of students are now being lost in the busyness of social media. A large number of Ulama and Mashaikhs and their students and disciples are also engaged in this work. Now neither Pir Sahib has time to reform the disciples nor do the disciples have time to be in the presence of Pir Sahib.Come and get some grace. Likewise, a large number of scholars are spending their time in social media, although scholars and muftis all need to study continuously, if they retreat even a little from reading, then they start to become intellectually weak. This is the reason that those who are good scholars and muftis do not give time to social media, but they stay away from the fear that if they touch it with their mouth, they will be choked, if they touch their finger, they will grab their hand. And then there will be difficulty in continuing academic pursuits.

The invasion of social media on the masses

Even among the people who are busy in social media, then they should consider that because of this, they do not feel the heart in prayer, nor do they get time for recitation, speeches and duties. People are forced to go to work, but during work they are also on social media. Because of this, accidents also happen due to which people's lives are lost.

Setting aside time for social media

By allocating time for social media, the damage caused by excessive use can be reduced. Now someone went for prayer with a firm intention, but suddenly the mobile phone rang and someone's audio message or post came. Now, if it is from an ordinary person, then he will be patient, let's see later, but if there is a message or a post from a special person, then he will definitely see it now or he will start listening to this voice message, and during this time, the congregation rather The prayers of some of them will be fulfilled.

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