Human rights precautions

 Human rights precautions

Imam Ahmad Reza Khan, may Allah have mercy on him, while narrating the events of his second Hajj journey, drew attention to this aspect, thus he says: There were so many such events that he cannot remember them. If they had been regulated (i.e. written down) at the same time, they would have been safe, but none of our colleagues realized this. (Malfuzat-e-Ala-e-Hazrat, 4 parts, page 209, printed in Maktabat Al-Madinah) In another place, while narrating the events of Hajj, he drew attention in this way."All these events (i.e. events) were not such that I would have told them with my own language. Had the companions been able to come and go, and during the days of Qiyam, the events of each government would have been written down in chronological order every day. I used to remember the countless blessings of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Who is bankrupt?

Hazrat Sayyiduna Muslim bin Hajjaj Qushairy alaihi ra hammatullahi al-Qawi narrates in his famous collection of hadith "Sahih Muslim": The illustrious ruler, the crown prince of Madinah, the leader of the messengers, the leader of the prophets, we are the mourners of the poor, we are the helpers of the beggars, Mr. Ahmed Mukhtar, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, asked: Do you know who Homophilus is?The Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: O Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him! Whoever among us does not have dirhams and goods is bankrupt. He said: "The bankrupt among my ummah is the one who came with prayer, fasting and almsgiving on the Day of Resurrection and came in such a way that he abused him.

In reality, a poor person is one who, despite his prayers, fasting, Hajj, Zakat and Sadaqah, generosity, welfare works and great good deeds, will be left empty in the Day of Judgment! Those who have been angered by abusing them, scolding them without Shariah permission, insulting them, humiliating them, beating them, taking things for free and not returning them intentionally, pressing debts, showing their heart, they will take away all their good deeds and If the good deeds end, the burden of their sins will be taken and they will be sent to hell.

This means that if you do not pay the rights of people in this world, you will inevitably (i.e. in every case) pay them in the Resurrection, with wealth in this world and with deeds in the Hereafter, so the best thing is to pay them in this world. Otherwise you will have to regret. In "Marat Sharh-e-Mishkwat" it is: "Even though animals are not liable to the Shariah rules, the rights of servants must also be paid to animals." (Marat Vol. 6 p. 674).

Rich with virtues

Losing the rights of servants is very harmful for the Hereafter, Hazrat Sayyiduna Ahmad bin Harb Alaihi Rahmatu al-Rabb says: Many people will leave this world rich for the abundance of good deeds, but due to the loss of the rights of servants, they will lose all their good deeds on the Day of Resurrection. And so they will become poor and destitute. (Tanbih al-Mughtareen, p. 53, Dar al-Marifah, Beirut)

Hazrat Sayyiduna Sheikh Abu Talib Muhammad bin Ali Makki, may God bless him and grant him peace, says in Quttu Al-Quloob: "It is the sins of others (not your own) that will cause you to enter Hell. Cause) will be put on man. Also, many people (not because of their own good deeds) will enter Jannah by obtaining the good deeds of others. There will have been losses. Thus, on the day of judgment, the oppressed and the afflicted will be benefited.

I twisted your ear

How sensitive our ancestors, may Allah have mercy on them, were regarding the rights of the servants, can be estimated from this tradition, so Sayyiduna Uthman Ghani, may Allah be pleased with him, said to one of his slaves: I once twisted your ear, so you asked me for this. Take revenge. (Al-Riya z al-Nazra fi Manaqib al-Ashrah, Part 3, p. 45, Dar al-Kitab al-Ilamiyyah, Beirut.

Human rights

You have seen the importance of the rights of the servants. Shaykh-e-Tariqat, leader of the Sunnah, Hazrat Allama Maulana Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi Damat Barakatuhum al-Aaliyyah where he is cautious in the matter of the rights of Allah, he is extremely careful in the matter of the rights of the servants. You say: The rights of Allah, if Allah wills, He will forgive out of His mercy, but the case of the rights of the servants is more difficult, as long as the person whose rights have been violated, He will not forgive, even though Allah will not forgive. This is not wajib on Allah, the Exalted be He, but His will is that the one whose right has been violated should be appeased by asking for forgiveness.

Caution in the train

Shaykh Tariqat Ameer Ahlsunnat Damat Barakatuhum Al Aaliyah intended to visit Haramin Taybainki in 1400 AH and submitted his passport for visa. After getting the visa, when you reached the concerned embassy to collect your passport, there was a long queue of visa takers. You stood in the queue. A familiar travel agent (TRAVEL AGENT) saw you standing in the queue while refusing despite having such a high status, then he greeted, "Holy! The queue is very long You will have to wait in the sun for many hours, let me bring you near the window (because of my relationship).” (The problem will be solved easily as soon as we meet) but you, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade it very gently, the reason being that if you accepted his offer and went forward, the right of those who were already standing in the queue would be lost. It would be wasted.

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