Benefits of Surah Layl:

Surah Layl is the 92nd Surah in the Quran and starts with various promises. Allah discusses individuals of Taqwa, and how they please Him. He (SWT) likewise discusses explicit attributes of individuals who fall into Damnation. So who are those unique individuals who will be saved from Damnation? What do they do?

How might we copy them? Peruse this article to learn about and the sky is the limit from there.

#1 Know where you are going
Every single one of us is on an excursion, either towards Jannah or Jahannam… either towards Akhirah or losing ourselves in Dunya. We are continually endeavoring… some to accumulate abundance and assemble large manors or appreciate extravagant vehicles, while others are endeavoring enthusiastically to acquire great deeds and perform additional demonstrations of Ibadah. And afterward, there are others, who need to satisfy Allah yet find the Dunya excessively appealing… so they vary between performing great deeds and falling into sins.

Here, Allah says in section 4 of Surah Layl:
"Verily (the closures) you make progress toward are different.
Presently stop and ask yourself, where are you heading, what are you endeavoring towards? You need to satisfy Allah or would you say you are too centered around this dunya that you have neglected even your mandatory demonstrations of love? Is it safe to say that you are centered around acquiring through halal means or would you say you are alright with riba? Which course is life pulling you towards and how are you responding to it?

#2 Give in cause :
"With respect to him who gives (in cause) and keeps his obligation to Allah and fears Him," (Section 5)
The significance of giving cause is focused on so often in the Quran that it is truth be told one of the most frequently rehashed sections in the Quran. What makes this deed so exceptional? We people generally find it challenging to leave behind something we adore… It's difficult to leave behind your number one dress… it's difficult to give your #1 enhanced frozen yogurt to another person, is that right?
For man, the adoration for cash and abundance is inborn. With cash comes freedom of a totally different kind. Hence, it's not shocking that a many individuals experience issues in leaving behind some measure of cash, regardless of how little the sum is.
There is a prompt trepidation that maybe offering cash in cause would prompt misfortune… a negative bank balance perhaps. To this end Allah over and again says that the people who give in foundation have their cash duplicated; that cause doesn't prompt pessimistic exchanges… it's quite possibly of the most productive exchange you can at any point make.
In this Surah, Allah urges and pushes man to give in foundation and have Taqwa. So what happens when you do this? The following section has the response.
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#3 Searching for ease throughout everyday life?
"Furthermore, puts stock in Al-Husna.
We will make smooth for him the way of straightforwardness (goodness)." (Refrains 6-7)
Husna signifies "great; in the prize."
Allah says the person who carries out beneficial things and has confidence in its prizes will have his way towards goodness made simple and smooth, i.e, Allah will make it simple for you to enjoy all the more great deeds and procure more rewards.
So what occurs?
All the more great deeds = more rewards= nearer to Jannah = away from Damnation = more straightforwardness, harmony and happiness in your life= less concerns and dread!
The key to getting yourself out of life's agonies has been plainly illustrated here: Make every moment count and realize without a doubt that Allah will open entryways of simplicity, harmony and bliss!
Isn't this stanza one of the most mind-blowing replies to every one of your concerns?

#4 Don't think you are independent
"However, concerning he who keeps and sees himself as liberated from need
what's more, dismisses the best (religion)
Then, at that point, We will before long simplicity him to the (incomparable) Trouble" (Refrain 8-10)

Allah reminds us in the following couple of sections that individuals who are covetous and decline to give in foundation, the people who think they are independent and needn't bother with Allah in their lives… these individuals will find it simple to fall into sins.
Allah says He will make it simple for them to commit sins since they assumed they were independent and would not follow the Deen.
In this manner, Allah will make it simple for them to travel a way loaded up with sins and fiendish deeds. This abundance that he childishly gathered won't save him from Damnation.

#5 Direction comes from Allah alone
"Without a doubt, [incumbent] upon Us is direction." (Section 12)
We are reminded about looking for direction in Surah Fatiha as well. We need to over and again request that Allah keep us on the straight way since it is extremely simple to get influenced and diverted with the marvelousness of this Dunya. We go through times of low Iman levels, and in some cases can go totally off course and away from the Quran, Sunnah and the correct way. Here, Allah reminds us to look for His direction since He alone can direct us.