Benefits of Surah Qasas

Benefits of Surah Qasas:

Advantages of Recounting Surah Qasas
1. Getting multiple times the prize of every one of the people who endorsed or dismissed Moses Upon the arrival of Judgment: The Respectable Prophet has said, "Whoever presents surah Qasas will get multiple times the award of every one of the individuals who supported or dismissed Prophet Moses, and Upon the arrival of Judgment, every one of the holy messengers of the earth and sky will affirm for him that he is honest and righteous.1

2. A remedy for all torments: The Respectable Prophet has been cited as saying, "On the off chance that surah Qasas is composed and, washed with water and that water is tipsy, all torments and inconveniences will be relieved."2

3. Alleviation for torment in the stomach, liver, and spleen: It has been described from Abu Abdullah Ja'far ibn Muhammad that in the event that surah Qasas is composed and, worn around the neck of somebody who has torment in the stomach, liver, spleen, or some other inside organ, he will feel great.

For standing up to a vile ruler: It has been said that discussing sections 68-70 of surah Qasas multiple times while entering the presence of a treacherous ruler and afterward saying: اللهُ غالبُ أمْرِهِ multiple times will keep one protected from the disasters of that ruler.3
The Essence of Surah Qasas
By uncovering surah Qasas, Allah needs to give the commitment of triumph to those devotees who were a minority prior to moving from Mecca to Medina and were enduring the most troublesome circumstances at the hour of the Prophet. Allah showed them His approval and made them triumphant over the pharaohs of their time and conceded them land to abide in. Subsequently, the surah recounts the narrative of Moses from his introduction to the world until his triumph over Pharaoh.4

For a point by point story of Prophet Moses and Pharaoh, read the article Moses in the Quran.

Well known Sections of Surah Qasas
There are a few renowned and notable sections in surah Qasas. Allow us to go over them.

Refrain 5 of Surah Qasas
وَنُرِيدُ أَن نَّمُنَّ عَلَى الَّذِينَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَنَجْعَلَهُمْ أَئِمَّةً وَنَجْعَلَهُمُ الْوَارِثِينَ ‎﴿٥﴾‏

Furthermore, We wanted to lean toward the persecuted individuals on the earth and select them as pioneers and inheritors.5

This section forecasts the rulership of the abused individuals on the earth, at the hour of the approaching of the Mahdi. Allah says that he will make the abused individuals pioneers and inheritors of the earth. Albeit the setting of this stanza is by all accounts about Prophet Moses and how they were persecuted and Allah made them pioneers and inheritors, the truth of the matter is that this refrain isn't restricted to the hour of Moses and is pertinent to all times. Eventually, reality will beat misrepresentation and everybody will live in harmony and solace.

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