Rabi Al-Thani

Rabi Al-Thani

The Interpretation Majlis has made an interpretation of this booklet into English.In the event that you find any mistake(s) in the interpretation or making, please illuminate the Majlis on the accompanying postal or email address with the expectation of acquiring reward [šawāb].

Jinn looking like snake

When Ghauš-e-A'ẓamا ۡwas caught up with conveying a discourse in an Ijtimā' at his Madrasaĥ when a major snake fell onto him from the roof. The participants got into a frenzy and rushed yet Ghauš-e-A'ẓa didn't actually move from his place. The snake folded itself over his favored Jinn Looking like Snake Satan's hazardous assault Ghauš-e-A'ẓam said: When I went to a wilderness where .I remained for a long time without eating and drinking. I had turn out to be exceptionally parched. Out of nowhere, over my head, a cloud Jinn Looking like Snake showed up from which raindrops began falling which I drank. A splendid face then, at that point, showed up in the cloud, enlightening the sky. I heard a voice saying, 'O 'Abdul Qādir! I'm your Maker . said, 'I discussed, turning the brilliance of the cloud into smoke.' Then I heard a voice, 'O 'Abdul Qādir! Before this, I steered seventy holy people of Allah off track yet your insight has saved you.' Ghauš-e-A'ẓam ,said ر 'I answered: O the damned one, it isn't my insight, it is the effortlessness of my Allah that has saved me.' (Baĥjat-ul-Asrār, p. 228)

Cheat comes where he sees abundance

Dear Islamic siblings! Most likely Satan is extremely shrewd and interesting. He makes an honest effort to deceive us even by wizardry. In this way, we ought to constantly know about his assault. We shouldn't depend on our intelligence and keenness; all things considered, we ought to beg Allah to help and save us from the stunts of Satan.Keep in mind! The hoodlum takes from the individual who has riches; also, assuming somebody has the abundance of Īmān, Satan will most certainly make a good attempt to grab his Īmān. Further, on the off chance that an individual has solid confidence and performs great deeds in overflow, Satan will likewise put forth every conceivable attempt to mislead him. As our Murshid Ghauš-e-A'ẓam ۡhad exceptionally impressive confidence as well as an enormous fortune of good deeds, Satan attempted to deceive him ordinarily yet he flopped each time by the elegance and kindness of Allahَ Jinn Looking like Snake

 More deceives of Satan

Prompting his supporters and lovers,body under his garments. The snake then, at that point, emerged from his collar also, folded itself over his favored neck yet our Murshid, the otherworldly lord of Baghdad, his honor, Shaykh 'Abdul Qādir Jīlānī neither became scared nor ceased his discourse. The snake then bounced onto the ground, remained on its tail, articulated something and went away.After the snake vanished, individuals assembled around Ghauš-eA'ẓam also, asked with regards to what it told him. He answered that the snake said that it had tried a large number Auliyā of Allah yet had not tracked down anybody as enduring as him.

Dear Islamic siblings! It came out that the snake was, truth be told, a

the jinn tested Ghaus e Azam

stayed immovable by the finesse of Allah

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