

Taharat (tidiness) and keeping a perfect body and environmental factors are vital in Islam. Everybody should avoid eating and drinking those things which are Najis; and (with respect to) the apparel that one wears in Salat - which is awesome of activities in adoring Allah - they should be perfect, and it is best that they are the absolute most unadulterated of dress. Along these lines, it is important to understand what things are Najis and the method for making them Tahir.

All that exists is Tahir aside from eleven things, and those things that come into contact with them, likewise become Najis.

The things that are Najis, are the accompanying:

1. Pee

2. Stool

3. Semen

4. Cadaver

5. Blood

6. Canine

7. Pig

8. Liquor

9. Lager

10. Non-Muslim (Kafir)

The perspiration of a Najis eating creature

The pee and stool of people and all creatures whose meat is Haram (to eat) and whose blood spouts out, is Najis.

The pee and stool of creatures whose meat is Halal, similar to the cow and sheep, and creatures whose blood doesn't spout out, similar to the snake and fish, are Tahir.

The pee and stool of creatures whose meat is Makruh to eat, similar to the pony and jackass, is Tahir.

The pee and droppings of birds whose meat is Haram (to eat), like the falcon, are Tahir, yet it is smarter to avoid things like this.

The Guidelines of the Cadaver

A creature that has not been butchered by the guidelines of Islam is known as a corpse.

Creatures are separated into two classifications: some have blood that spouts out; intending that assuming their neck is cut, the blood emerges with force. Different creatures have blood that doesn't spout out; really intending that assuming their neck is cut, the blood doesn't emerge with force.

The body of a creature whose blood doesn't spout out; like the fish, is Tahir, regardless of whether it bites the dust in water.

(Concerning) the carcass of a creature whose blood spouts out; the parts that contain no life - like the hair and the horns, are Tahir; and the parts that contain life - like the tissue and skin, are Najis.

All pieces of the body of the canine and pig - whether living or dead - are Najis.

The total body of a died, no matter individual has died, regardless of how as of late he has kicked the bucket, and in the event that his body has not yet gone cold (except for those parts which contain no life, similar to the nails, hair, teeth, and so on) is Najis.

When the dead body has been given a Ghusl, the body is Tahir.

The body of an in the individual method of Allah to safeguard Islam and is killed on the conflict front, is tahir and giving the body a Ghusl or a Kafan isn't required.

The Guidelines of Blood

The blood of individuals and all creatures, whose blood spouts out, similar to the chicken and goat, is Najis.

The blood of creatures, whose blood doesn't spout out, similar to the fish and mosquito, is Tahir.

As per Ihtiyat Wajib, one should stay away from eggs that have even a little drop of blood in them. In any case, assuming the blood is in the yolk of the egg, and the covering around the yolk has not broken, then, at that point, the eggwhite is tahir.

The blood that emerges from around the teeth (gums) and that blends in with spit is tahir when it emerges from the mouth. In the occasion (that the blood is blended in with spit), it is reasonable to let it out, in spite of the fact that it is better not to let it out.

How accomplishes something become Najis?

Assuming something Tahir comes into contact with something Najis, and one of these two things is wetter than the other and the wetness of one arrives at the other, then, at that point, that Tahir thing will become Najis.

On the off chance that an individual couldn't say whether something Tahir has become Najis or not, then, at that point, it ought to be considered as being Tahir, and exploration and examination isn't required, regardless of whether one can learn on the off chance that the thing is Tahir or Najis.

Eating and drinking things, which are Najis, is Haram.

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